Storing and viewing on personal computer (PC) the previously taken ECGs in the system of 12 standard leads (I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6);
Importing the results saved in the memory of ECG machines EC12T 01 RD/141, EC12T 01 RD /260, EC3T 01 RD /1 and EC3T 01 RD /2;
Viewing and recording in real time the ECGs from all ECG machines and ECG recorders manufactured by RPC «MONITOR» Limited, equipped with a communication port of RS-232 type (COM-port) or USB, depending on the version;
ECG printing on any printer connected to PC;
ECG exporting to MUSE XML format;
Sending ECG for analysis to a remote cardio server with the «ArMaSoft-12-Tele» software module for ECG remote reception and analysis installed on it (optional);
Receiving, viewing and printing the analysis results from a remote cardio server (optional);
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