Simultaneous displaying of 3,4,6 or 12 leads on color TFT display and printing the leads in the same scale
Automatical printing after arrhythmia detection and extend of printing allows to save paper
Printing 12 leads simultaneously and ECG protocol on external laser printer using A4 paper
Check ECG cable
In-built automatical analysis of ECG in basic kit
Trials mode, observation period up to 3 hours, printing interval from 1 to 90 min
Simultaneous and sequential ECG record
Record ECG in manual mode with any number of ECG leads
Quick control using 14 direct keys
1 or 3 rhythm leads mode allows to observe the changes in the heart rhythm
Combined alphanumeric and functional membrane keyboard
Knob control makes it easy to operate
Set up of 10 user profiles
Connect external keyboard to simplify data entry (option)
Printing of average (typical) QRS complexes with marks
Real-time output information to PC using program modules of registration and archivation «ECG Review» or analysis of resting ECG «armasoft-12-Cardio» from the internal memory and through an external Flash card
Transmitting data via GSM module to the central station (option)
Switch off and control volume of sound alarms of R wave and keyboard
Displaying of the pacemaker impulses and defibrillator protection
Work as a part of stress-test system
Measuring ECG from children (option)
Technical and commercial information is indicative, subject to change without notice and is subject to clarification before ordering.